Friday, April 1, 2011


Ladies & Gentlemen, I introduce to you... THE BUZZING BANANA!!! If your bananas are starting to get to ripe, don't throw them out. Put them in your freezer, they will last for months. Yes the bananas may look black, frozen and yucky but they are ideal for this recipe!!! If you haven't used all your coffee from your morning percolator, store the remaining coffee in a container in your fridge. Now - Please welcome a healthy morning smoothie .......THE BUZZING BANANA

1 cup of coffee. (yesterday's coffee stored in fridge)
1 banana, peeled. (use a ripened frozen banana)
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 cup of Ice


- 5 minutes before you plan to mix your smoothie, take one banana out of the freezer. Cut peeled banana in half and place in blender. Add yogurt and cocoa powder. Then pack with ice. Pour chilled coffee on top.

Blend until smooth.

Enjoy in a frosted glass!

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