Tuesday, May 22, 2012 0 Comments A+ a-


Enzo is a huge fan of Frosted treats – I actually trained him on ice cubes. Because summer is here and the weather is starting to get really hot I wanted to try these frosted paw treats I had seen in the supermarket. 

2 cups plain yogurt
1 mashed ripe banana
2 tablespoons peanut butter
2 tablespoons honey
Mix all of the ingredients with a blender or mixer and freeze.
You can then put mixed product into ice cube trays, cups or any other item and freeze.  Another great idea is to put some of the mixture into a kong and freeze.  It kept enzo busy for hours.
This was such a hit I hope your furry friend loves frosted paws as much as Enzo does!

Those were such good treats - can I PLEASE PLEASE have one more!!